We are always looking for our own family’s feedback on our centers and programs in our consistent efforts to keep Kids Klub Child Development Centers the most outstanding facilities around. We are always grateful when they take a few minutes of their time to fill out an evaluation giving us their honest opinions. Their input is very valuable to us in making decisions on improvements for the upcoming year. Here is some of the amazing feedback we have received this year.
What Parents Like about Kids Klub Pasadena:
Teddy Bear 2019
Ashley King
As a Kids Klub mom, I have had some experiences and formed a few impressions here that I’d like to
discuss with my fellow parents. Perhaps you can relate. Number one, can we talk about the space itself? Was it just me or were you also immediately mesmerized by THE LARGEST fish tank outside of the Aquarium of the Pacific? If you weren’t impressed by the library, Happy’s General Store, the covered outdoor play spaces, the teeny tiny toilets and sinks, or the kitchen, you were impressed by THAT TANK. And the eel. The eel is my buddy. Charlie and I spent many minutes at the end of each day playing hide and seek with that eel. I’m going to miss him.
Number two, let’s talk about the curriculum. You might THINK it’s utterly inane to have a curriculum in the baby classrooms, but the “staring at the toys” part of a six-months’-old day was wholly preparatory for the countless SECONDS of staring at the toy you wanted to play with as a two-year-old but couldn’t because it wasn’t your turn and you had to wait. Nevertheless, the staring at the toys turned into counting, the alphabet, and before you changed your 1,767,891st diaper, your little one was counting to a hundred, recognizing sight words (like, “No mommy, the sign in the toy store window says ‘OPEN’ not ‘CLOSED”‘!), and reciting the colors of the rainbow in Spanish or French (like, “Mommy, guess how you say red in French.” “I don’t know. Rose? Can I have a glass of that if I’m right?” “No, mommy. It’s ROUGE. And you can’t drink a glass of RED.” “Mmmf! Wanna bet?”)
Oh, and I was just kidding about that millionth diaper comment. We all know our little ones have to be potty-trained BEFORE they can transition to the threes and have used that many diapers. THAT was a scary time. “Is my kid going to be the only one who never learns to use the potty?” But sure enough, they do and I want to give a special AMEN to the teachers for all of their help in the potty and sanitation department.
Number three, and all joking aside, the teachers, staff, and administrators at Kids Klub have surpassed my every expectation. They have cradled our babies, kissed their scrapes, comforted them at drop-off, mediated disputes, encouraged them when they were timid, taught them educational and social skills that perhaps wouldn’t have resonated as well coming from us, and in the process, have become family. The love and joy both the kids and all the members of the Kids Klub family share with each other is evident every single day. This authentic love provided me with incredible peace knowing that even though I couldn’t be with my son all day that he was with a family who cared for him dearly. {It also lessened the blow of that January statement showing just how much we’d paid in tuition last year.)
Kids Klub is a remarkable institution and I will be forever grateful to every person here that played a part in making my son’s journey from baby to kindergartner an incredibly joyful one. I know I speak for my son when I say that he LOVES Kids Klub and without question, so do we.
Finally, a quick note to the Teddy Bear class. Your mommies, daddies, friends, and family are so very proud of all of you standing here today. You have grown into impressive girls and boys and you have amazed us by how much you have learned these last few years. I’d like to share a quote from Mr.
Rogers, who some of you may know if your parents are old like me. Mr. Rogers shared this sentiment with another group of graduating young people and while it may not make sense now, perhaps your parents will reinforce it as you get older. Here it goes: “You don’t ever have to do anything sensational for people to love you. When I say it’s you I like, I’m talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see, or hear, or touch. So, in all that you do in all of your life, I wish you the strength and the grace to make those choices which will allow you and your neighbor to become the best of whoever you are. Congratulations to you all.”
Thank you.
Kids Klub Farewell – Dolphin 2019
Ashley Waterson
We are gathered here together,
to bid our dear Kids Klub goodbye,
All of us pondering the same truism:
How quickly that time passes by.
Some of you have been here from infancy;
Handing your newborns over in tears (you, not them),
But when you saw the care your baby received,
it quickly dissolved all of your fears.
Others of us came subsequently,
When our toddlers were a bit bigger,
Chipmunks, Koalas, or Butterflies perhaps?
But what exactly, pray tell, is a “Tigger”?
For most of us the waiting list was long,
But it’d be worth it; we had a hunch.
The teachers and programs are top of the line,
But more importantly: they provide lunch!!
This place is more than a daycare or school,
it’s a home away from home.
Our children have made enduring friendships here,
and they never feel alone.
They’re challenged and engaged, Each and every single day.
Our son can’t wait to get started each morning
and send his parents on their way.
Happy’s School, the General Store,
Classes impossible to rank,
And seriously, who among us was not sold,
After seeing that GIANT fish tank?? (I think some of those fish are prehistoric…)
They’re learning critical thinking,
And skills they need to successfully live.
Reading, writing, cooking, creating –
and whatever a “manipulative” is…
“Wild Adventures”, Thanksgiving Feasts,
Dance parties and Snow Days.
The Christmas pageant, the Easter Egg hunt,
The Halloween parades.
Is it any wonder our kids love it here?
I mean, come on, how cool?!
Let’s be honest, it’s gonna be a rude awakening
When they go to their NEXT school.
(“Mommy, when is Pajama Movie Day at High Point?”
“It’s Wednesday, May Never, honey.”)
All along they’ve had the best teachers,
Who’ve led with gentle, guiding hands.
They’ve laughed with them and dried their tears
There’s a LOT this job demands.
Put it this way: just dealing with one kid,
My sanity takes its licks.
But Ms. Juliana and Ms. Jessica?
They’re dealing with twenty-six. (twenty…six…)
To our fearless leaders:
Wow, what a dynamic team!
Your love and boundless patience,
You’re every parent’s dream.
Oh! And J-squared, heads up.
This summer? Here’s the deal:
Evan made me PROMISE,
I’d invite you over for a meal. (So, what are you doing on Tuesday, July 23rd?…)
Kids Klub, we salute you,
And thank you with our hearts
For giving our kids courage
And confidence and smarts.
We are so grateful for our experience here,
the love and joy expressed each day,
That we’re willing to overlook the fact
that our kids will always spell “club” with a K.
- Lots of events for parents & children. Good hours, not many days closed! Food Program, Safety & Staff
- Well organized, good programs & activities, flexible hours…..good food!
- The flexible hours, the great staff – from front desk, teachers, chefs, directors, maintenance crew – everyone is friendly and always helpful
- The teachers really make the center what it is.
- The curriculum and child focus all around.
- We love everything.
- Flexibility of hours.
- I love the attention given to our child.
- Reliability, pricing, activities, teachers, meals and bounce house.
- The staff really get to know the children! I love that everyone on their way in says hello to Ellie and really seem happy to have her attend.
- I also love your forms for the Piglet room as it is clear what happened throughout the day and what they are learning.
- Lots of fun activities.
- Care and interest her teachers take in her individually.
- Making friends and all of the activities such as Art, Music, Theater, etc.
- The variety of curriculum and quality of teachers.
- Olivia thinks her teachers are amazing and so do I!
- The flexibility of the hours, the quality of your teachers, the values that you are teaching.
- I love knowing that my child is safe and in good hands. All of the teachers she has had there (and even the ones she hasn’t had as teachers) genuinely care about her growth, development and overall happiness.
- So many staff and teachers know my child and that I am that child’s mommy. They are all so nice and helpful. I have nothing but good things to say about everyone.
- Keep doing what you guys are doing! You are all amazing individuals and I really appreciate each one of you!
- The nurturing environment along with the various activities Kids Klub offers.
- Overall, we feel so lucky to have found Kids Klub. You make our lives so much easier and our kids love it there. Thank you.
- I like that it is big so the children have the chance to do lots of different activities and interact with lots of different staff and peers, but also there is a lot of personal attention and it feels very homey.
- The holiday show was fabulous. Thank you for always making the parents feel special.
- I love that my son loves going to school.
- Having a great combination of outdoor and indoor fun learning activities.
- Amazing teachers, flexibility in hours when needed, great community of families.
- Thank you for everything you do. Our whole family loves Kids Klub and we so appreciate all the wonderful events you do to bring families, teachers and children together. Thanksgiving was so special and of course the wonderful Holiday show.
- I know my son is well cared for and his development is challenged appropriately by being surrounded by age-appropriate stimuli.
- My life as a working parent works because of Kids Klub. The option for them to stay past 6, even if we rarely use it reduces stress in our hectic lives. My children have been in seven different care situations, and Kids Klub is the most flexible, well organized and nurturing. I know my children are learning, staying active, and being loved every afternoon. I recommend Kids Klub to every parent I talk to.
- The events, the friendliness and openness of all the staff. I love the way Kids Klub makes me feel when I walk in.
- Safe , large space, sweet directors, caring teachers.
- The food program is a great help. Not having to feed breakfast at home or pack lunch saves a lot of time each day.
- The facility is so fun. I love that when my kid walks in teachers (other than his) know him.
- You do a tremendous job at the Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving and Holiday events.
- You are the BEST facility and program for working parents – your hours and flexibility are so understanding. Can’t imagine being anywhere else. Thanks for all you do.
- Big Fan of WIMLO and the weekly newsletters.
- I love the emphasis on play AND actual learning.
- The staff always look very helpful and they always wear a smile.
- Great communication and friendliness, approachable staff.
- The teachers and all wonderful activities.
- The teachers clearly care about the kids and are great communicators with parents.
- We couldn’t be happier that we’re paret of this community. She’s learning so much and having so much fun! It makes me feel good that if she can’t be with me, at least she’s at Kids Klub : )
- Above all, the teachers and the developmental program. Kids Klub has hands down the most qualified educators.
- The Organic Food, good hours with late pick up and lots of activities.
- Convenient location and times. Excellent activities and the teachers.
- Quality of the teachers and how they truly care about my children and giving them the next education.
- Kids Klub is an outstanding preschool. My only wish is that it went through elementary, middle and high school.
- As well – everything. Can’t say enough good things about KK. Love the education and commitment of the teachers. Love that they work individually with each child to develop and grow. Love the flexibility of hours and the variety of activities. Structured but also enough playtime. Great family connections. After hour care and weekend programs are fantastic.
- My son loves coming to school.
- Safe, caring and fun environment. My child has a lot of fun – he’s become very social, stays stimulated, engaged and learning new things.
- I appreciate when photos are sent from class and the attention paid to each student’s development.
- I love the WIMLO app…..I just want more of it!
- I love that they curriculum is so diverse and incorporates so many different cultures.
- 1. The Teachers / 2. The Spirit, can / do positivity and openness / 3. The curriculum
- The care and quality of the faculty and staff, the diversity and nutrition of the food (and that I don’t have to cook / bring it in), the accommodating hours and willingness to work with parents.
- That safety is a top priority.
What Parents Say about Kids Klub Pasadena Staff:
- My son loves Miss Laura….she really made the transition to full time care very smooth.
- Special Thank you to director and coordinators! We love Kids Klub.
- Miss Jessica & Miss Juliana are very affectionate.
- Miss Juliana, Miss Jessica, Ms. Julie and Mr. Clark are amazing.
- All the teachers of the Pooh Bears and Bumble Bees have been amazing…love the communication from Miss Krystal.
- Miss Candace is very caring and nice.
- EW Kristine Manley, Tiggers Tannya Lucero and Crystal Honda ….all 3 are excellent!
- Love the teachers from Kangaroo AB&C they really work with children’s unique schedules and needs.
- Miss Meg is awesome and runs a great group!
- Ingrid : )
- Tiffayne & Nuria are wonderful caring teachers that really take the time to get to know each child and strike that balance of caring and providing guidance.
- Samara has done a fantastic job taking over the Duckling class…it’s been seamless!
- My daughter already loves the connection and bond she shares with Miss Laura.
- Miss Stephanie and Miss Lupe are warm, kind and so much fun!
- Miss Kim and Miss AnaKarina are simply fantastic.
- Ms. Doris, Ms. Krystal, and Ms. Alex are fantastic! He has learned so much from them. When he reaches a milestone while at school, his teachers will tell us and we can tell they are just as happy as we are.
- We love Miss Lupe from the Piglets….she is so caring.
- Miss Eva is phenomenal….I couldn’t wish for a better teacher and Miss Tabetha is very helpful.
- Miss Mirella is fantastic and we are so happy with her and Nicole, too!
- Miss Marilyn and Miss Crystal are nice, kind, attentive and very patient.
- Ms. Doris, Ms. Eva and Ms. Ninelie have all been wonderful teachers for our son this year.
- The Pooh Bear teachers are all very loving and hug my son even if they are not his primary teacher.
- Doris is so genuinely caring and energetic! Really outstanding team member.
- Meg and Tabetha have really been responsive and that’s so comforting.
- Aram loves Miss Magdali and all the other caretakers. I’ve walked in many times to the caretakers hugging and loving him just because they want to. It’s heartwarming to see that he’s built bonds with his teachers and I trust them whole heartedly to do what’s best for him day to day.
- Both Miss Juliana and Miss Jessica are amazing. Each time I walk in they are always busy in an activity…..art, circle time, reading….all the time!
- Jennifer at the front desk is always helpful and reliable on my requests. She is particularly knowledgeable and she doesn’t lose track of emails, questions or requests.
- Mr. Ezekiel and the front office in the afternoons – always so helpful and welcoming.
- Ms. Nuria was just the best as was Marisol, Chona and Areceli.
- Ms. Tannya and Ms. Crystal are fantastic and they have changed Ava in the best ways. She’s more social than ever because of their work and compassion.
- Ms. AnaKarina is truly passionate and caring, my daughter loves her. Ms. Kimberly is really patient and understanding and nice…she knows her job very well.
- I would like to thank dear Ms. Tabetha for being a very experienced and knowledgeable manager who cares about parents concerns and tries to fix any problems in a professional manner. As a mother I feel positive and confident enough to leave my only child at Kids Klub.
- Ms. Marisol, Ms. Yvette, Ms. Doris and Ms. Krystal (froggies) have all been wonderful with our daughter, helping her reach her potential.
- Clark always makes us feel welcome. Marisol always brightens my day personally, always asking about my little one even though she’s moved up. Georgie has a special bond with Lupe and she’s managed to gain her trust. Georgie will always tell Lupe things she doesn’t tell others. Stephanie always makes sure I know exactly what’s going on. Amanda has a fun relationship with Georgie too and she’s not her direct teacher. Same with Anthony – always saying hi to Georgie. Q is always great, too – saying bye to us in the parking lot everyday even though he’s in the school age program. Crystal G does an amazing job at the breakfast table and getting the girls dress for ballet.
- We absolutely love the teachers and the support staff – Mr. Clark and Mr. Arthur!
- Every teacher my kids encountered were exceptional. Currently Ms. Chona, Ms. Araceli, Ms. Marisol, Ms. Krystal and Ms. Jessica. Also Mr. Daniel showed our kids so much love.
- Love Ms. Doris, Ms. Krystal and Ms. Alex. They are passionate about what they do and the kids love them. Mr. Clark is also friendly in the parking lot whether rain or shine.
- We love Ms. Candace in the Owls and the Ladybug teachers Stephanie and Lupe.
- Everyone is amazing at Kids Klub. Ms. Samara is incredibly thoughtful and loving and has been such a wonderful teacher for the Duckies. Ms. Brenda has also really bonded with our little one. Ms. Katie and Ms. Candace do a wonderful job with the Owls and provide such structure while letting the kids have fun at the same tie. Ms. Ingrid has taken care of the girls when they got sick at KK and we so appreciate that. We also appreciate all that Ms. Tabetha does as the director.
- Meg is the best.
- We love Ms. Laura, Ms. Lupe and Ms. Iman. They’re all so friendly and super helpful.
- Mr. Clark is the warmest, most thoughtful greeter. Both of my girls were sad to see him move from the back door as they looked forward to it everyday. Ms. Marisol is also incredibly talented and my youngest who hasn’t even had her as a teacher, adores her.
- Front office are so helpful and kind. Everyone has been fantastic.
- Ms. Nancy and Ms. Vanessa do a great job of keeping the kids engaged in the class. They motivate the students to do better. They show a special interest in all the kids.
- Miss Marisol Rivas Pooh Bears – The absolute most loving teacher. I greatly appreciate her and she is very skilled in addressing problem behavior and understands child behavior / psychology. Her assistant, Ms. Crystal is also wonderful. Ms. Janelle and Ms. Crystal in the Chipmunks – Very loving, understanding but also consistent with discipline and correcting problem behavior.
- My child’s care takers are excellent. Ms. Yvette always takes time to discuss his day with us as well as Ms. Lupe when he was a Piglet. (I could tell she genuinely cared for him. His current teacher Ms. Annalynn is great about letting us know how his day went and she always has a smile on her face – from early AM to evening!
- Ms. Crystal, Ms. Anna Marie, Ms. Stephanie – these women are always professional, friendly, and have a unique way of making the child and the parent feel at ease and welcomed.
- Ms. Candace is a GEM.
- Ms. Candace in the Owls has been amazing. And a very special thank you to Green Lantern / Mr. Anthony for his positivity and being a good role model for my son. We also adore Ms. Bernie, Meg, Mr. Q along with the friendly desk staff.
- Ms. Mirella is so sweet! Her and Ms. Nicole always help my daughter feel safe and special, and that means everything to me.
- Ms. Juliana is amazing with the PreK age group! She is fun and cool, while also finding creative ways to get the kids to learn and also behave! She’s a gem. Ms. Mirella is very sweet with the kids and helpful to the parents. Ms. Eva is gent and kind. Ms. Crystal (Butterflies) inspires comfort in the kids, while maintaining order and Ms. Marilyn is kind and sweet.
- Ms. Cynthia and Ms. Griselda are amazing with my son. They have worked so hard to make him love school and we have seen positive changes in his behavior. Ms. Indrid is also very helpful with the component. Ms. Juliana is also wonderful with my son.
- Ms. Lupe and Ms. Lindsay do a great job. The Evening / Weekend director Kristine is great / friendly.
- Ms. Julie has been doing an exceptional job, but the entire staff is awesome.
- Ms. Doris and Ms. Crystal in the Froggie Room are really wonderful – They definitely helped with our transitions and our child really loved his teachers. Ms. Amalia is a miracle worker with getting our daughter to take a bottle and Ms. Iman has been extremely loving to her as well.
- Jessica in the Pooh Bears is wonderful, a very sweet teachers. Our daughter lovers her. All the teachers / assistants in that age group are very friendly and they are so great with the kinds. They also work so well together and seem to have a great group dynamic.
- The Drive Thru Attendant staff are wonderful. They know all of the kids and families. They are always friendly and happy, which is so important.
- Ms. Amanda, Mr. Clark, Mr. Ezekiel, and Mr. Daniel are all especially friendly and welcoming. Ms. Janelle and Ms. Crystal are fantastic – warm and very helpful monitoring growth, problems and successes.
- Ms. Kim and Ms. AnaKarina are just such marvelous people and teachers. The front desk (Karina & Evelyn) always make us smile and I can’t thank Mr. Chris enough for getting our daughter into the Pooh Bears.
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