Frequently Asked Questions
Since many questions we receive are on the same topic, please spare a moments to look through them and see whether your query is answered there.
Fill out the Enrollment application inside the red Kids Klub packet. Please fill out all documents completely and send the Physician’s Report to the pediatrician to complete. No incomplete applications will be accepted.
1. Be sure to check boxes at top of application as to which school location, age group, etc.
2. Give as much information and detail as possible on your application. For those families who have children that are not yet born, we ask you to give us your due date and desired / approximate start date.
Your application must be turned into the front desk with your initiation fee. To become a “daytime” member, this includes being placed on the waitlist, a $200 one time initiation fee per child. To become an “evening/weekend” member only, this is a $35 one time initiation fee per child. Initiation fees are NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE.
It is highly recommended that you write a letter or note to accompany your application expressing your wishes:
1. Your timeline for starting (for example, “we’d like to start as soon as possible / first available” OR “we would like to start September 2018”.
2. Your schedule preference (for example, “we would like to start with your 3 morning program” OR “we need 5 days full” OR “we are completely flexible, please call with any availability”
This helps us to assess how many children want to come in a certain time bracket in order for us to attempt to match your needs with our openings.
1) Filling out some of the enrollment packet and
2) Paying your one-time initiation fee of $200 per child (This initiation fee is not refundable).
Although you may not know all the details about your little one (possibly even including its name or gender), you will need to complete the first few pages of the enrollment packet with your family’s information; baby’s due date; the program desired (based upon our scheduled offerings); and desired start date.
The waiting list can vary in wait times – the front desk will know the approximate wait time for your child’s age group when you turn in your application
1. The more flexible you are with your needs the better chance of getting in
If you are very specific about your needs, for example you want 3 mornings only, or 5 full only, it can make your wait more lengthy
2. The wait list times are a “guestimate”. Sometimes we anticipate spaces becoming available in a certain time line, however, sometimes the wait is shorter than predicted and sometimes it is longer than predicted.
You will NOT receive a call from the admissions department until there is spot available for your child. You are welcome to call and find out how your child’s progress is looking.
Transitions: Three times per year, in September, January and Mid-June, we make a shift in our school, transitioning children who have made it to the next age bracket up to the next set of classes. Transitions may or may not create openings depending on the number of children in the school at that time will move up. The largest transition is done in September, this is the most likely transition to create openings.
Departures: Although we have a very low rate of turnover amongst our families, there are cases when a family either reduces their schedules or leaves us
Accepting the Space: An offer will be made to you with a specific program (number of days / hours) with a starting date. If you accept the spot, your child will be “locked” into the program so that the spot is no longer available to any other family.
1. Upon acceptance, you will 24 hours to pay for 50% of the first month’s tuition. This payment is non-refundable.
2. An orientation appointment will be set up for your family to come to Kids Klub and meet with your child’s new caregivers…they will have lots questions for you and we know you will have lots for them! Expect that your orientation appointment will take approximate 1 to 1 ½ hour(s).
3. At orientation you will be expected to pay the other 50% of the first month’s tuition. Tuition for the first month must be paid in full before you child is eligible to start.
4. We will need to have all required documents to complete your child’s file upon their start date, including the Physician’s Report from the Pediatrician and the Infant / Child’s needs Forms.
Declining the Space: You received an offer but you aren’t ready or have other arrangements. You may want to rethink declining…..it is very challenging to get into Kids Klub!! Offers are few and far between due to infrequent spaces opening up.
If you decline the space offered to you, it is important that you let us know if you want to remain on the waiting list for a future spot OR if you have found other permanent arrangements and no longer need consideration for future spots at Kids Klub.
1. If you decline but want future consideration, here is what is important to know:
2. You DO NOT go to the bottom of the waitlist, your child remains on the waiting list based on the date you turned in your application
3. You will receive another offer, however, it is unknown when the next space will become available, it could be a short wait, it could be long…..we can give you a “guestimate” based on the current waitlist time
Highly Recommended: If you truly need the space just a few weeks to one month down the road, it is highly recommended that you take the space early, because it is not likely that an additional space will open just a few weeks later. Taking placement early gives families the peace of mind that your spot is secure. You will need to pay for the space early, but this also will give you the opportunity to slowly adjust yourselves to your program. You may start to bring your child at smaller intervals to start the process.
Discouraged: We definitely discourage turning down the spot if it is close to your needed and /or desired starting time. Due to infrequent openings, you could potentially not be called again for another 6-12 months depending on the length of the waiting list.
Ask Your Question
We are here to help. If you have a question about our centers or our programs, feel free to drop us a line at any time.